Egg Nogg

Egg Nogg was created and published by Jerry Thomas in 1862 Bartender’s Guide where he describes it as “at the South, it is almost indispensable at Christmas time and at North, it is a favourite at all seasons”.

In Britain, the drink was originally popular among the aristocracy. Those who could afford milk and eggs and costly spirits mixed the eggnog with brandy, Madeira wine, or sherry to make a drink similar to modern alcoholic eggnog.

However, the British drink was also called an Egg Flip, from the practice of “flipping” the mixture between two pitchers to mix it.

Throw out the time some variations were created. A very popular is from General Harrison that would drink with cider instead of Madeira wine. William Henry Harrison was an American military officer and politician who served as the ninth president of the United States in 1841.

Another variety called Ponche Crema has been made in Venezuela and Trinidad since the 1900s, also as part of the Christmas season.






50ml Martell V.S.

25ml Madeira Wine

1 Whole Egg

30ml Whole Milk

2 bsp Custer Sugar





Dry Shake








