
Alacrán Tequila Blanco

Country: Jalisco, Mexico

Raw material: Blue Weber Agave

Alcohol: 40%

NOM: 1416

Producer: Productos Finos de Agave


Autentico Tequila Alacrán also known as Alacrán Tequila was launched in 2010 in Tequila City. Autentico Alacran is the Spanish for ‘authentic scorpion’.


Alacán Tequila is made traditionally in small batches. Made with 100% weber blue agave, mature from 7 to 10 years, the agave is hand-harvested, slow-cooked, milled, and the juice is naturally fermented with wild yeast. Then the tequila is double-distilled in stills columns and bottled.


Tasting Notes 

Colour: Bright and clear

Aroma: Herbal, fresh agave, and fruits

Taste: Sweet-cooked agave, and hints of pepper



Alacrán Tequila Reposado

Alacrán Tequila Añejo

Alacrán Tequila  Extra-Añejo