Bozal Mezcal

Bozal Mezcal Espadín, Barril, and Mexicano

Country: Oaxaca, Mexico

Raw material: Maguey Espadín (Agave Angustifolia), Maguey Barril (Agave Karwinskii), Maguey Mexicano (Agave Rhodacantha)

Alcohol: 47%

NOM: O472X

Bozal Mezcal is artisanal keeping with the 200-year-old tradition. The agave grows wild is cooked in earthen pit ovens, later to be mashed by a stone Tahona wheel turned by a horse.


An open-air fermentation allows the sugars to ferment utilizing naturally occurring yeast. The mezcal is then purified through a double-distillation process.


The Spanish term bozal translates to “wild” or “untamed” which references to the wild species of Mexican agave used to produce this mezcal.


Tasting Notes 

Colour: Clear

Aroma: Slightly smoky, fruit, and earthy

Taste: Rich earth tones and savoury, citrus and floral notes



Bozal Mezcal Cenizo

Bozal Mezcal Cuishe

Bozal Mezcal Madrecuishe

Bozal Mezcal Sacatoro

Bozal Mezcal Tepeztate

Bozal Mezcal Tobasiche

Bozal Mezcal Borrego

Bozal Mezcal Ibérico

Bozal Mezcal Pechuga

Bozal Mezcal Barril

Bozal Mezcal Castilla

Bozal Mezcal Chino Verde

Bozal Mezcal Coyote

Bozal Mezcal Jabalí

Bozal Mezcal Tobalá