El Tesoro

El Tesoro Blanco

Country: Jalisco, Mexico

Raw material: Blue Weber Agave

Alcohol: 40%

NOM: 1139

Producer: Tequila Tapatio


La Alteña distillery was founded in 1937 by Don Felipe Camarena in the mineral-rich highlands of Jalisco. El Tesoro is the Spanish for “the treasure”.


El Tesoro Tequila is produced traditionally. After harvested the piñas are steamed at a low temperature for 48 hours and then cool for an entire day.


Once the piñas are cooked, the workers maneuver a two-ton volcanic Tahona stone to gently crush the agave fibers.


The extracted juice and pulp are both used in fermentation and distillation to intensify the agave flavour.


Tasting Notes

Colour: Clear

Aroma: Fresh green herbs

Taste: Mellow, sweet-agave, hints of pepper notes



El Tesoro Reposado

El Tesoro Añejo

El Tesoro Extra Añejo