San Matias Tahona

San Matias Tahona Blanco

Country: Jalisco, Mexico

Raw material: Blue Weber Agave

Alcohol: 40%

NOM: 1103

Producer: Tequila San Matias de Jalisco


San Matias Tahona is the result of more than 130 years of experience producing exquisite tequila.


To achieve the fullest flavor, the agave is steamed in stone ovens, crushed with the original Tahona stone from 1886, fermented in wooden vats, and distilled in copper pot stills.


An artisanal silver tequila, small-batch and made from only the finest 100 percent Weber Blue agave utilizing the Tahona method.


Tasting Notes

Colour: Clear

Aroma: Fresh agave

Taste: Earthiness, vegetal flavours and aromas



San Matias Tahona Reposado

San Matias Tahona Añejo