Tres Agaves

Tres Agaves Blanco

Country: Jalisco, Mexico

Raw material: Blue Weber Agave

Alcohol: 40%

NOM: 1614

Producer: Tequilera Tap


Tres Agaves Tequila is made with 100% organic agaves grown in the Tequila Valley, a unique terroir.


The tequila is made in the traditional process. Tequila Blanco is unaged and is bottled just as soon as it’s distilled. Reposado is 9 months aged and the Añejo is 18 months aged.


Tasting Notes

Colour: Clear

Aroma: Raw agave

Taste: Well-rounded agave, citrus, peppery, and herbaceous.



Tres Agaves Reposado

Tres Agaves Añejo