
Tanteo Blanco

Country: Jalisco, Mexico

Raw material: Blue Weber Agave

Alcohol: 40%

NOM: 1551

Producer: Destiladora Juanacatlan


Tanteo Tequila is an original 100% agave spicy tequila. Tanteo infuses artisanal Blanco tequila with fresh peppers in the hills of Jalisco, Mexico.


Tanteo is produced traditionally while the pepper infusion proceeds after the double-distillation.


Tanteo sources fresh jalapeños, habaneros, and locally roasted chipotles. The peppers are sorted by hand to create macerations of different heat intensities.


Tasting Notes

Colour: Clear

Aroma: Raw agave

Taste: Light citrus flavours, well-rounded agave, peppery



Tanteo Jalapeño

Tanteo Chipotle

Tanteo Habanero