Cooper King

Cooper King Dry Gin

Country: Yorkshire, England

Raw materials:  Juniper, coriander, angelica, lemongrass, lavender, honey, cubeb, cardamom, lemongrass, and fennel

Alcohol: 42%


Cooper King distillery uses botanicals growing on-site and other local farms close to the point of distillation.


The botanicals are macerated in wheat spirit to coax out their flavour compounds. Then, combines an innovative approach to distillation, cold-distilling botanicals under vacuum with a smooth Yorkshire wheat spirit.


Tasting Notes:

Colour: Clear

Aroma: Piney and fresh aromatic

Taste: Rich in cardamom, citrus, and floral



Cooper King Herb Gin

Cooper King Summertide Gin

Cooper King Skosh Smoked + Spiced Dry Gin

Pilot Series No.1, New Make

Pilot Series No.2, Berry + Basil, Gin Liquor

Pilot Series No.3, Black Cardamom, Botanical Vodka