Belsazar Vermouth

Belsazar Dry

Country: Staufen, Germany

Raw material: Grapes, and a selection of botanicals

Alcohol: 19%


Belsazar is produced at the Schladerer distillery which has been producing fruit brandies since 1844.


The subtle sweetness of Belsazar comes from adding Black Forest grape must, also the extracts from herbs, spices, blossom, and husks which are varied, giving to Belsazar its complex flavour.


Belsazar uses brandy to stop the must from fermenting. All ingredients are mixed during the filtration stage, where the wine, fruit brandies and must become one. The aging process can take up to three months in neutral casks.


Tasting Notes

Colour: Golden

Aroma: Rich bouquet, grapes, zesty, and chamomile

Taste: Dry, gentian and quinine, white wine acidity and light bitter



Belsazar White

Belsazar Rosé

Belsazar Red