Noilly Prat Vermouth

Noilly was first created by the herbalist Joseph Noilly in 1813 while he was running his own wine and spirits business in Lyon.


The success of the vermouths leads to a new facility in Marseille, managed by Claude Prat who marries Joseph Noilly granddaughter, and in 1855 Noilly Prat & Cie is officially founded.

Original Dry

Country: Marseillan, France

Raw material: Grapes, and 20 botanicals including chamomile, coriander, bitter and sweet oranges, elderflower, iris rhizome, blessed thistle, Centaurea, cinchona, nutmeg, and gentian roots

Alcohol: 18%


Noilly Prat Vermouth is made from white wines, alcohol, and infused with herbs and spices under a very unique process.


The wine is first matured in small oak casks which are left outdoors to absorb the weather influences.


In this process called L’Enclos, the barrels of local wines are age for 12 months before coming inside to blend with the Mistelles wine.


Mistelle is the fermented wine in the original indoors cellar, opened in 1859 dedicated to the aging of wines.


Then the maceration process is done by hand for about 3 weeks, blending herbs and spices. Once is completed, the vermouth is strained and bottled.


Tasting Notes

Colour: Pale straw

Aroma: Fruity with tangy citrus

Taste: Medium-dry, round flavours, and floral



Extra Dry

