Sacred Vermouth

Sacred English Dry Vermouth

Country: London, England

Raw material: Grapes, and a selection of botanicals

Alcohol: 21.8%


Sacred Spirits was founded in 2008 in Highgate, London by Ian Hart. It is also known for making gin, vodka, whiskey, and liquors.


Built based on English wine from Three Choirs, Gloucestershire, Sacred vermouths are low in alcohol and made for pre-dinner drinks.


Sacred English Dry Vermouth was made in collaboration with Alessandro Palazzi of Dukes Hotel Bar in London.


Tasting Notes

Colour: Light gold

Aroma: Rich bouquet, dry wormwood, peppery

Taste: Crisp, spicy, herbaceous and gentle wormwood bitterness



Sacred English Amber Vermouth

Sacred English Spiced Vermouth