
Single Barrel

Country: Frankfort, USA

Region: Kentucky

Style: Straight Bourbon

Raw material: Corn, rye, barley

Alcohol: 46.5%


Member of one of the first families of bourbon history, Albert Bacon Blanton started work in the distillery at the age of sixteen, where he would become company president between 1921 and 1952.


This distillery is now known as Buffalo Trace distillery located in Franklin County and has been expanding since 1773.


The distillery’s rich history includes such legendary distillers as E.H. Taylor Jr, George T. Stagg, Orville Schupp, and Elmer T. Lee.


During that period, Colonel Blanton created his private reserve and stored it in what now is known as Warehouse H.


Introduced in 1984, Blanton’s namesake bourbon was the first-ever Single Barrel Bourbon sold commercially.


Another feature of the packaging is the cork stopper topped with a bronze sculpture of a horse and jockey in full stride. These 8 different poses put them all together they spell B-L-A-N-T-O-N-S.


Tasting Notes

Colour: Amber

Aroma: A deep, satisfying nose of nutmeg and spices

Taste: Powerful dry vanilla notes, with hints of honey, caramel, and corn




Straight from the Barrel