
Oban 14

Country: Oban, Scotland

Region: Highland

Style: Single malt

Raw material: Barley

Alcohol: 43%


Oban Distillery was founded in 1794 by local merchant Hugh Stevenson, and the distillery has formed part of the town’s backbone ever since.


Oban 14 is a single malt whiskey from the Western Highland, produced at the smallest distillery in Scotland. Aged for at least 14 years old has a distinctive aroma with intense sweetness & smoky dryness.


Tasting Notes

Colour: Gold

Aroma: Delicate ripe orchard fruits, light notes smoked almond, orange, and piney

Taste: Rich and well-rounded flavours of stone fruits and spices, with maritime hints



Little Bay

18 Years Old

20 Years Old

21 Years Old