Alipús Mezcal

Alipús Artisan San Juan

Country: Oaxaca, Mexico

Raw material: Maguey Espadín (Agave Angustifolia)

Alcohol: 47.5%


Alipús Mezcal originated in 1999 as a ‘social impact project’  by Los Danzantes Distillery that sought to support traditional producers and their lands in a number of regions.


Alipús San Juan is produced traditionally. Craft in Oaxaca lands, the agave is hand-harvested and roasted in a stone-lined pit at ground level. Once cooked, the piñas are millstone pulled by a donkey and fermented in 2,500-liter pine vats. Then, the mezcal is double-distilled in copper stills and bottled.


Tasting Notes 

Colour: Clear

Aroma: Roasted maguey, citrus, spices and herbs

Taste: Fresh herbal and mineral notes



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