Barsol Pisco

BarSol Selecto Acholado Pisco

Country: Peru

Raw material: Quebranta, Italia, and Torontel grapes

Alcohol: 41.3%


BarSol is the ultimate artisanal Pisco from Ica in Peru, crafted in small batches.


BarSol Selecto Acholado Pisco is the result of blending three of the finest pisco grape varieties.


Tasting Notes

Colour: Clear

Aroma: Vibrant floral notes

Taste: Fruitiness, floral, and very well-rounded



BarSol Puro Quebranta Pisco

BarSol Puro Italia Pisco

BarSol Puro Torontel Pisco

BarSol Mosto Verde Italia Pisco

BarSol Perfecto Amor