Caol Ila

12 Years Old

Country: Port Askaig, Isle of Islay, Scotland

Region: Islay

Style: Single malt

Raw material: Barley

Alcohol: 43%


Caol Ila Distillery was established in 1846 by Hector Henderson on the rugged eastern coast of Isla.


Pronounced “Cull Eela”. It’s the Gaelic name for the Sound of Islay, which separates the island from Jura.


Caol Ila whiskey is made from malted barley locally at Port Ellen and pure spring water from limestone in nearby Loch Nam Ban.


Tasting Notes

Colour: Golden

Aroma: Subdued, citric fruitiness, and little or no trace of smoke

Taste: Smooth and pleasant mouth-feel, sweet smokiness, and maritime notes



15 Years Old

18 Years Old