Cardamaro Vermouth

Cardamaro Vermouth

Country: Canelli, Italy

Raw material: Grapes, Nizza Monferrato cardoon (Cynara Cardunculus), blessed thistle (Cnicus Benedictus), milk cardoon (Sylbym Marianum), and other selected herbs such as calumba, juniper, gentiana lutea berries, cloves, liquorice root, cardamom, lemon peel and marjoram

Alcohol: 17%


Cardamaro is an old recipe of Rachele Toriasco Bosca, a connoisseur of the beneficial qualities of many wild plants.


Cardamaro is vermouth prepared by wine base infusion of cardoon and other selected botanicals cultivated in Piedmont, Italy.


Tasting Notes

Colour: Reddish-yellow

Aroma: Rich bouquet and complex

Taste: Balanced between sweet and bitter herbs, well-rounded flavours, spicy, cardoon, and dried fruits