El Jolgorio

El Jolgorio Pechuga Navideña

Country: Oaxaca, Mexico

Raw material: Maguey Espadín (Agave Angustifolia)

Alcohol: 47%


Created by the Cortés family in 2010, El Jolgario is an individual wide variety of agave generally sourced from different mezcaleros. In fact, represents sixteen different families, working in ten different regions of Oaxaca, Mexico.


El Jolgorio translates to “the revelry”. Jolgorios are small festivals that occur in the rural and indigenous Zapotec villages of Oaxaca.


Casa Cortés mezcals are made traditionally. Each bottle expresses the soul of the family who produced it and is inscribed to connect the drinker with the land, people, and plants at the heart of their mezcal.

El Jolgorio Pechuga is made using two distillation. 

During the second distillation, the mezcalero adds locally harvested fruit and spices. The mezcalero hangs a raw turkey or chicken breast on the inside of the pot still in such a way that all of the vapor must pass over the meat before it becomes liquid Mezcal. 

That said, unlike the other El Jolgorio bottles, Pechuga is not named for the variety of agave that is made, but from the style where “pechuga” is the Spanish word for breast. 

Tasting Notes

Colour: Clear

Aroma: Smoky, roasted agave

Taste: Well-rounded herbaceous, earthiness, pepper spice and smoked turkey



El Jolgorio Espadín

El Jolgorio Sierrudo

El Jolgorio Coyote

El Jolgorio Tobaziche

El Jolgorio Cenizo

El Jolgorio Jabali

El Jolgorio Arroqueno

El Jolgorio Mexicano

El Jolgorio Barril

El Jolgorio Cuishe

El Jolgorio Tepeztate

El Jolgorio Madrecuishe

El Jolgorio Tobal