Janneau Armagnac


Country: Armagnac, France

Raw material: Grapes variety

Alcohol: 40%


Maison Janneau was founded by Pierre Etienne Janneau in 1851 at Condom in Armagnac, four generations of the Janneau family have followed, passing down the secret of Grand Armagnac from father to son.


Janneau Armagnac has a wide range of original blends, single distillery, vintage, rarities, dragon vintages, and a 50 years old golden age.


Janneau V.S. is a blend of eau-de-vie distilled from the white wines produced in Bas-Armagnac and Tenarèze.


Two specificity distilling techniques of the house are used: the continuous distillation providing fruit and depth, and the double distillation which gives finesse and elegance.


Tasting Notes

Colour: Golden

Aroma: Extremely fresh, fruity like young plums

Taste: Soft, light flavours, and subtle woody notes






Single Distillery



Dragon Vintages

50 Years Old Golden Age