Nardini Grappa

Grappa 40

Country: Italy

Raw material: Cabernet Suavignon, Merlot, Pinot Bianco, and Fruilana grapes

Alcohol: 50%


Nardini is Italy’s oldest distillery, founded by Bortolo Nardini in 1779 on the Ponte Vecchio, the heart of the Veneto region of Italy.


The foothills of the Veneto region assure the distillery a constant supply of grape pomace, the raw material for grappa production.


Nardini Grappa Bianca is a clear and un-aged grappa that passes for a double-distilled process from the pomaces.


Tasting Notes

Colour: Clear

Aroma: Fresh flowers, and green fruits

Taste: Grape woody notes, smooth, and fresh fruits



Riserva 40

Grappa 50

Riserva 50

15 Year Old



Acqua Di Cedro

Bortolo Selection Extra Fina

Bortolo Selection 3 Years Old

Bortolo Selection 7 Years Old

Bortolo Selection 15 Years Old



Nardini Grappa