Nikka Coffey Gin

Nikka Coffey Gin

Country: Yoichi, Japan

Raw material: Juniper, yuzu, kabosu, amanatsu, shequasar, apples, sansho pepper, angelica, coriander seeds, lemon and orange peels

Alcohol: 47%


Nikka was founded in 1934 by Masataka Taketsuru and is better known for its incredible range of whiskies at Miyagikyo distillery, but it has also been making vodka and gin.


Nikka Coffey Gin botanicals are divided into three groups: sansho pepper, citrus, and herbs and spices.


The herbs and spices are distilled in a regular pot still, but the citrus and pepper are distilled at low pressure to maintain more of their delicate flavours.


The spirit is named after the Irish inventor and distiller Aeneas Coffey. Indeed, the inventor of the column still.


Tasting Notes 

Colour: Clear

Aroma: Rich bouquet, citrus fruit

Taste: Well-rounded citrus notes, spice, and piney