
Opihr London Dry Gin – Oriental Spiced

Country: Birchwood, England

Raw material: Juniper, cubeb berries, black pepper, coriander, cardamom, ginger, orange peel, cumin, grapefruit peel, angelica root

Alcohol: 40%


Opihr is pronounced “o-peer”. The gin takes the name from a legendary region famed for its wealth and riches which prospered during the reign of King Solomon.


A unique London Dry Gin crafted with a selection of exotic hand-picked botanicals using the same method since 1761.


Tasting Notes 

Colour: Clear

Aroma: Rich on spices

Taste: Well-rounded flavors, spicy, piney, and citrus



Opihr European Edition – Aromatic Bitters

Opihr Arabian Edition – Black Lemons

Opihr Far East Edition – Szechuan Pepper