Port Wine Negus

The Porto Flip was first published in Jerry Thomas in 1862 The Bartender’s Guide, under the name Port Flip Negus. The cocktail was named after Colonel Negus, an English Army officer who is said to have invented.

Negus’s invention derives from when the bottle was passing rather more rapidly than good fellowship seemed to warrant over a hot political discussion. Colonel Negus recommended the dilution of the wine with hot water and sugar.

Port Wine Negus or Port Flip is related to the “Flip” family of cocktails, which consist of any fortified wine or liquor shaken with an egg and sweetened with sugar. Typically garnished with a dusting of nutmeg, it can be served hot or cold.

In Jerry Thomas 1862 The Bartender’s Guide, he notes “The essential in ‘flips’ of all sorts is, to produce the smoothness by repeated pouring back and forward between two vessels, and beating up the eggs well in the first instance; the sweetening and spices according to taste”.






50ml Graham’s 10yo Tawny

15ml Martell VSOP

1 bsp Caster Sugar

1 Whole Egg


BEAT up the whole egg  with sugar / add the liquid and SHAKE





