QuiQuiRiQui Mezcal

QuiQuiRiQui Mezcal

Country: Oaxaca, Mexico

Raw material: Maguey Espadín (Agave Angustifolia)

Alcohol: 45%


QuiQuiRiQui mezcal is a small handcrafted spirit made in Oaxaca, South Mexico. Using locally grown 100% agave plants such as Espadín, the most-commonly domesticated and most-easily cultivated agave used in mezcal production.

Harvested after seven years when they reach maturity, the spirits are all rich in vegetal flavours. The spirit is ready for distillation further to outdoor fermentation from naturally arising yeasts. The flavour-filled mezcal is produced to order in small batches.

Tasting Notes 

Colour: Clear

Aroma: Light smoke, and herbaceous

Taste: Smooth, roasted agave flavours, and peppery finish