
ROKU Japanese Craft Gin

Country: Kaigandori, Japan

Raw material: Juniper berries, coriander, angelica root, angelica seed, cardamom, cinnamon, bitter orange peel, lemon peel, sakura flower, sakura leaf, sencha tea, gyokuro tea, sanshõ pepper, yuzu peel

Alcohol: 40%


Suntory distillery opened in 1899 as a result of the dream of young Shinjiro Torii and launched its first gin in 1936.


In Japanese, Roku translates as number six. Inside every bottle of Roku Gin, you will find six very special botanicals cultivated over four seasons that are sourced in Japan.


Tasting Notes 

Colour: Clear

Aroma: Piney, and herbal

Taste: Smooth, well-rounded flavour notes of citrus and herbs



ROKU Japanese Craft Gin: Travel Retail Select Edition