Silent Pool

Silent Pool Gin

Country: Albury, England

Raw material: Bosnian juniper, Macedonian juniper, angelica, bergamot, bitter orange, sweet orange, lemon, cardamom, cassia, coriander, cubeb, grains of paradise, honey, liquorice, orris, chamomile, elderflower, kaffir lime leaves, linden flowers, rose petals, lavender, coriander seeds, lime, and pear

Alcohol: 43%


The Silent Pool is a tiny spring-fed chalk lake new located on the Albury Estate, in the heart of the Surrey Hills.

A four-stage process allows to control the quality and flavour of the gins.


The 24 botanicals are bruised and separately macerated in three batches – base, citrus, and tea infusion – in base spirit before being transferred to the still.


The distillation process is completed using a multi-chambered fractioning column.

Tasting Notes 

Colour: Clear

Aroma: Rich bouquet

Taste: Smooth, well-rounded citrus and floral notes



Silent Pool Rare Citrus Gin