St. George

St George Terroir Gin

Country: California, USA

Raw material: Juniper, bay Leaves, cardamom, cinnamon, coriander, Douglas fir, fennel, lemon peel, Lily of the valley, orange peel, orris root, and sage

Alcohol: 45%


St. George Gin is wildcrafted local botanicals from Terroir’s aromatic signature.


The fir and sage are individually distilled to minimize the impact of seasonal variation. The fresh bay laurel leaves and juniper berries are vapor-infused in a botanicals basket. The other botanicals go right in another pot still.


Tasting Notes 

Colour: Clear

Aroma: Earthy bouquet

Taste: Crisp, herbal, spicy and strong pine notes



St George Botanivore Gin

St George Dry Rye Gin

St George Dry Rye Reposado Gin