The Botanist

The Botanist Gin

Country: Islay, Scotland

Raw material: Apple mint, chamomile, creeping thistle, downy birch, elderflower, gorse (or whin), hawthorn, heather, juniper, lady’s bedstraw, lemon balm, meadowsweet, mugwort, red clover, spear mint, sweet cicely, bog myrtle (or sweet gale), tansy, water mint, white clover, wild thyme, wood sage.

Alcohol: 46%


The Botanist is an artisanal Islay gin made by Bruichladdich Distillery.


The core nine berries, barks, seeds, and peels are manually loaded into the pot of the still in a particular order during an achingly slow distillation.


The 22 local botanicals are held in loosely woven muslin sacks through which the vapour can easily pass.


Tasting Notes 

Colour: Clear

Aroma: Wild herbal notes

Taste: Soft, dry-mouthfeel, herbal, stone fruits, and spiced